KB479: PM42 - Auto-Reverse Section Protection with Circuit Breaker Manager with a Single PM42

This article was last updated on Sept. 4, 2011, 10:41 a.m. | Print Article | Leave Feedback

Q:  Can two sections of a single PM42 be configured to perform both the task of a circuit breaker and also automatic reverse section control for a single reverse loop?

The PM42 can be configured so that one section of the PM42 is used for circuit breaker operation, feeding into another section of the same PM42 which is configured for automatic reverse section control.

In the field, this configuration has been found to be unreliable in some layout configurations.  If you are having problems getting this to work in your setting, we recommend using an AR1 to handle the automatic reversing secion.  

The following diagram indicates how to wire a PM42 for this situation:

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