KB66: SE8C - Local Switch Inputs for Turnout Operation

This article was last updated on May 10, 2016, 8:22 a.m. | Print Article | Leave Feedback

SW01 to SW08 are inputs that allow a local switch mounted on the layout to operate the slow motion turnout machine.

For example, SW01 when connected to the +VE sensor common (Pin 2 in figure) will reverse the voltages on SMTM1A and SMTM1B to change the position of turnout 1.

SW02 controls local turnout 2 , etc.

For each connection to +VE sensor common the slow motion turnout machine swaps direction and a Switch message is sent to LocoNet to report the new position of the turnout.

This local control can be disconnected by setting OpSw 15 to closed, in which case the 8 slow motion turnout machines can still be controlled by the system via LocoNet while the local switch inputs have no effect.

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