KB650: DT300 - Smoke Icon

This article was last updated on July 31, 2011, 2:16 p.m. | Print Article | Leave Feedback


The Smoke Icon is located just above each Loco Icon and appears with the Loco Icon when an address has been selected on the throttle.

When a loco is selected on a throttle, the Loco with Smoke icon will appear below the THROTTLE KNOB and beside the address of that loco. If no address is selected, there will be no Loco icon and the address area will show SEL. A Blinking Smoke icon indicates that the THROTTLE is currently active. Since both throttles must share the keypad, only one at a time can have access to the keypad and function controls. The active throttle has access to the function controls and the status of the functions for the active throttle are displayed in the top line of the LCD. To make either throttle the active throttle simply click it once or turn the THROTTLE knob a little.

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