The Life-Like RS2 locomotive frame is approx 1mm wider than than the Kato design for the RS2. Accordingly, special care must be taken to assure the loco frame does not come in contact with the DN163K2 decoder contacts. Please refer to the pictures below for details on the modification:

Cut a piece of Kapton tape approx. 1/4" square and position it on an Xacto® type knife, small screwdriver blade or other similar tool.

Place the tape underneath the loco frame as shown above.

A top view of the correctly placed tape.

A side view of the correctly placed tape. Remember to leave some of the motor contact exposed as shown.

Cut a second peice of Kapton tape approx. 1/4" to 3/8 " wide and 5/8" long place this longer piece of tape as shown in the next 3 pictures.

Justify tape to right-hand (forward) side.

Up and over.

Around to the other side.

Correctly placed tape.

With decoder installed: