What are the most common applications for the PR3?
1) Stand alone Sound FX programmer
As a bench tool the PR3 is the first USB and second device designed by Digitrax for the programming of the SoundFX sound decoder.
The PR3 does write to and read from the sound patterns of any SoundFX sound decoder.
In addition the PR3 can write to and read from any CV of most current non sound mobile and function decoders found in today's market place.
2) Digitrax command station LocoNet to Computer interface
As a layout control tool the PR3 is a second generation LocoNet to computer interface designed by Digitrax.
The PR3 communications has been improved since the first appearance of the MS100 by the addition of a communication buffer, a second LocoNet connector, more secure mounting technique, and the ability to act in conjunction with an existing Digitrax command station or as a stand alone LocoNet manager.
There are a number of software programs now available from Digitrax and third party software developers that take advantage of the decoder programming and LocoNet interfacing of the PR3.
a) Digitrax provides with the PR3 a Sound Loader and decoder programmer program, a LocoNet monitoring program, and a PR3 firmware update program.
b) There are several third party software programs available that can be used in conjunction with the PR3 for the programming of decoders and other layout operational duties (i.e. virtual throttles, signaling systems, dispatcher’s panels, automated operations, etc.).